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Facet Joint Denervation


Facet Joint Denervation, or radiofrequency ablation of the facet joints, disrupts nerve pathways responsible for transmitting pain signals.

This minimally invasive procedure aims to provide longer-term relief for chronic facet joint-related pain, improving overall function and mobility.

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Symptoms & Causes

Facet joints, integral components of the spine, play a crucial role in providing stability and facilitating movement. When these joints become a source of pain, it can significantly impact your daily life. An overview of facet joint denervation begins with understanding the role these joints play in connecting the vertebrae, allowing for bending and twisting motions in the spine. The symptoms of facet joint pain often manifest as localized discomfort in the neck, mid-back, or lower back regions.

Individuals experiencing facet joint pain may describe it as a persistent, dull ache or a sharp, stabbing pain, particularly during certain movements. Some may notice stiffness or difficulty in bending or twisting, further limiting their range of motion. The causes of facet joint pain are diverse, ranging from wear and tear associated with aging to injuries, arthritis, and mechanical stress on the spine. Unraveling the connection between symptoms and causes is crucial to developing an effective pain management plan.

Diagnosis & Treatments

Diagnosing facet joint pain involves a meticulous process to accurately pinpoint the source of discomfort. Our healthcare professionals employ diagnostic tools such as imaging studies and physical examinations. In some cases, facet joint injections may be utilized as a diagnostic tool. Facet joint injections involve injecting a local anesthetic into the affected joint, providing temporary relief and aiding in confirming the diagnosis.


Once diagnosed, a tailored treatment plan is crafted based on the individual's specific needs. Treatment options include physical therapy to strengthen supporting muscles, medications to manage pain and inflammation, and lifestyle modifications. Facet Joint Denervation, also known as radiofrequency ablation, is a therapeutic intervention that targets the nerves responsible for transmitting pain signals from the facet joints. This procedure involves using heat generated by radiofrequency waves to disrupt these nerves, providing long-lasting relief by interrupting the pain signals.


Preparing for your appointment involves open communication with our healthcare team. Discussing your medical history, current medications, and any concerns you may have ensures a personalized approach to your care. If conservative measures prove insufficient, and facet joint denervation is deemed appropriate, our team will guide you through the process, addressing any questions or concerns you may have.


In some cases, surgical options may be considered if conservative measures and denervation do not provide sufficient relief. Surgical interventions vary from minimally invasive procedures to more extensive interventions, depending on the severity of the condition and the individual's overall health.


Rehabilitation is a crucial aspect of the journey towards lasting relief. Physical therapy, exercises, and lifestyle adjustments contribute to restoring function and improving overall well-being. Our holistic approach to pain management aims to address not just the symptoms but also the underlying causes, fostering a comprehensive strategy for your health and happiness.

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Facet joint denervation offers a targeted and effective solution for those navigating pain originating from the facet joints. By understanding symptoms, causes, and embracing a personalized diagnostic and treatment approach, our Pain Clinic is committed to guiding you towards a life with less pain and more possibilities.

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